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Welcome, Taurus, to a celestial exploration of cannabis products uniquely suited to you! As the sign ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and pleasure, you embody a deep connection to the senses and an unwavering appreciation for life's finer indulgences. With your grounded and sensual nature, it should come as no surprise that cannabis can be a natural ally for you in enhancing your experiences and finding moments of tranquillity in your busy life.


Growing cannabis in a garden setting offers a natural and rewarding experience in your very own backyard. In this blog we will share some expert tips to help you optimize your garden-grown cannabis and make the most of this grow season. 

Exploring Cannabis' Journey Through Time

From ancient rituals to modern medicine, cannabis has traversed through human history, leaving its mark on various cultures and civilizations. In this blog, we'll take a delightful journey through time, exploring the diverse uses of cannabis and its fascinating evolution.


With a myriad of brands fighting for your attention, Choklit Park stands out amongst the crowd. Nestled in the verdant landscapes of British Columbia, Canada, Choklit Park has established itself as a premier licensed producer, offering a truly exceptional cannabis experience to enthusiasts nationwide. Drawing inspiration from the lush surroundings of its namesake, Choklit Park aims to create a haven for cannabis connoisseurs, where every product reflects the essence of its West Coast origins.

Aries Cannabis Horoscope

Spring has officially sprung and that means it’s Aries season baby! As a bold and adventurous fire sign ruled by Mars, you're always seeking new ways to ignite your passions and embrace life to the fullest. And what better way to enhance your natural energy than with the perfect cannabis products tailored just for you? Let's dive into your cannabis horoscope and discover which products will complement your fiery spirit.

HIDDEN GEMS: 5th Edition

Welcome back to our Hidden Gems series, your go-to source for discovering the most underrated and overlooked products on the market. With so many options it is easy for exceptional products to get lost in the shuffle. That is where we come in​​ – scouring our menu to uncover those hidden gems that deserve your attention!


In the ever-evolving landscape of the cannabis industry, there are moments that serve as stark reminders of its transformative nature. Recently, news broke that after three decades of serving the community, Toronto Hemp Company (THC) will be closing its doors. This revelation is not just about the end of a business; it's a symbolic event that highlights the shifting dynamics within the cannabis market.


Hey party people! As the Super Bowl LVIII hype builds up, it's time to talk about how to elevate your game day experience to a whole new level. Add a touch of green to your Sunday Funday festivities and heighten all of the excitement for the most important game of the football season. Enjoy this laid-back guide to incorporating cannabis into your Super Bowl celebration.


With over 600 pre-roll options available at The Peace Pipe we thought we would break down some of our most popular varieties, in both brand and package style. The popularity of pre-rolls has exploded and with so many options it can be hard to choose. We know each person is looking for something to suit their individual needs and that’s why we’re here to help.


One of the LPs we can’t give enough praise is Tribal. Coming from the Cannara Biotech (Quebec) Inc., portfolio that includes our other favs Nugz and Orchid CBD, Tribal has been consistently producing craft quality cannabis at affordable prices...


It’s no secret to us in cannabis retail that LPs have been utilising botanical terpenes to kick the flavour up a notch in their cannabis offerings. In recent years, the cannabis industry has undergone a transformative evolution, with the integration of scientific advancements and novel approaches to enhance the user experience...

The Peace Pipe – 2023 in Review

As we bid farewell to another remarkable year, The Peace Pipe crew extends our deepest appreciation to our incredible community. 2023 has been an exciting year of growth at The Peace Pipe, and we're excited to share the highlights with you as we usher in the new year. 

Hidden Gems: 4th Edition

In this edition of Hidden Gems we thought we’d bring some well-deserved attention to some newer brands on our menu. With an over-saturation in the cannabis market, it can be hard to choose and that’s why we’re here to help!

Have Yourself A Merry Little Spliffmas

We are gearing up for a happy, hazy holiday season here at The Peace Pipe! We understand that finding the perfect gift for your friends and family can be both exciting and overwhelming. To make your holiday shopping a breeze, we've curated a gift guide featuring a variety of high-quality cannabis products and accessories...

Cannabis and Yoga: A Harmonious Blend

In recent years, the intersection of cannabis and yoga has sparked significant interest among fitness enthusiasts, spiritual seekers, and wellness advocates alike. While yoga has been practiced for centuries to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit...

Elevate Your Self-Care Routine with Cannabis-Infused Topicals

In the realm of wellness, self-care is an integral practice that nurtures both the body and soul. As the popularity of cannabis continues to grow, an exciting avenue for self-care has emerged: cannabis-infused topicals...

Highly Rated | EASTCANN

Since our last Highly Rated blog was on our fav BC Black we thought we’d take you from sea to sea and highlight our fav brand out east - Eastcann! Hailing from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia the legacy LP Eastcann is consistently bringing out incredible strains in their signature hermetically sealed can format.

HIDDEN GEMS: 3rd Edition

Today, we are thrilled to pull back the curtain and give you an exclusive glimpse into our treasure trove of brand-new arrivals from the recent OCS drop. With so many new items we can’t wait to let you in on our favs, so let’s get into it.

Elevate Your Hash Experience with the HashCo. Hash Kettles

Welcome hash connoisseurs! HashCo. It is proud to present its new Hash Kettle, a revolutionary device designed to enhance your hash-smoking experience. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps of using the Hash Kettle, providing tips and tricks to make the most of your hash sessions.

The Ultimate Stoner Guide To Camping

If you're looking to combine the great outdoors with a little herbal relaxation, camping can be an excellent choice. To ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience, here's the ultimate stoner guide to camping and getting high in the wild:


So, you’ve seen the percentages listed on your favourite cannabis products and you are wondering just what are THC and CBD, and what do they do exactly? THC and CBD are what are known as cannabinoids.

HIDDEN GEMS: 2nd Edition

We are back just in time for the heat wave to share the second edition of Hidden Gems that we’ve been gate-keeping for ourselves. The following are some products off our menu that we just can’t get enough of, and we think you’ll agree.

710 Day

Top of the morning to all of our connoisseurs out there, today is the day we celebrate all of the various forms of cannabis concentrates. For those who aren’t aware July 10th or 7/10 is known in the cannabis community as Dab Day or Oil Day.

What Is the Big Deal With Terpenes?

What are they and why have you been hearing your bud tenders brag about the terp percentage of their favourite buds? Well, that’s what we’re here to break down today. While cannabinoids such as THC and CBD have received a lot of attention for their effects, terpenes also play an important role in the cannabis plant’s unique properties and effects.

We Love Smoking Moms!

Mothers are awesome, especially in the cannabis industry. No, I'm not talking about moms who smoke pot, although they are pretty awesome too, I'm talking about Mother marijuana plants.

HIDDEN GEMS: 1st Edition

It’s not an uncommon occurrence at The Peace Pipe to have our customers say “You are the only dispensary that carries this!” and we are happy to boast about our large SKU count. It is a privilege to carry and consume the hidden gems off the legal market.

GRASS (1999)

Not many people know that National Canadian Film Day happens on April 19th each year, and in honor of the day (and being the Eve of 420) I thought it would be appropriate to give a shout out to the Canadian classic film, Grass.


We wanted to give a special highlight to some brands we have been loving at The Peace Pipe in a new collection of reviews we’d like to call “HIGHLY RATED”. The first brand we’d like to focus on is the affordable craft brand BC Black Craft Cannabis based out of Salmon Arm, BC...

USA Federal Court Orders RAW to Pivot Production & Axe Their Charitable Entity

RAW and it's other brands such as Elements, Juicy Jay and DLX are going to have slightly different packaging come spring time. This comes after a competitor Republic Brands took RAW to court claiming their packaging had false information on it.

Share A Cannabis Experience This Valentine's Day

Romance has always been the underlying tone but this year more than ever, it seems like it's just about spending money. Lately, I have put a lot of thought into what it means to show someone you care and what sets the mood for connecting with your partner.

Curious about edibles?

There's no question that legalization has changed the way we consume cannabis. It's brought us capsules and sublingual's, bath bombs and beverages and a wide variety of unique products like inhalers and coffee. The door has been opened to endless possibilities and this has many of us wanting to explore.

You Don't Have to Fear Infusion

I'm always amazed at the variety of responses when it comes THC. The range of perceptions goes from positively enthusiastic to downright terrified. I've been working in this industry for over 10 years now and it still amazes me how little we understand about cannabis consumption. Long before legalization, there were headshops.

How to Relax with Cannabis

I've always been a big fan of the tub and a glass of wine but lately I've traded in my alcohol and Epsom salts for cannabis. No, I'm not hotboxing my bathroom living out some mid-life crisis, (my bathroom reno was too expensive for that). I've actually started using the cannabis infused topicals and CBD beverages. I find they add a little tingle to my regular routine and push me into relaxation mode way faster.

Why Craft Cannabis?

Everyone is loving craft beer. It's unique, reasonably priced and a visit to a local brewery can make for a fun afternoon with friend and family. No wonder it's such a trend. Lately craft cannabis has been emerging, and many customers are asking what the difference is. Regulations have pretty much hindered the ability for companies to market products.

Have you heard about these unique edibles?

Edibles are the biggest opportunity for growth in the cannabis industry. The price, the flavor and the mg of THC all need room for improvement. The good news is, food is so unique and versatile that it gives the cannabis industry a huge playing fleid to explore.

What are Concentrates?

Is anyone else getting confused about Concentrates? This industry has evolved so much in the last 25 years that unless you're constantly educating yourself through endless hours of YouTube, Reddit discussions and Google searches, it's almost inevitable that you'll be out of date in no time. Before legalization, you could group the pot smokers into 2 groups. The Dried Flower goers, or the Concentrate junkies.

It's All in The Name

Ever wonder where your favorite cannabis strain went? If you were a fan of Green Crack, you may have noticed, it's nowhere to be found. The legal cannabis market changed the way we buy our cannabis and it shouldn't be surprising, it changed the way we market it too.

Back to School Basics

Everyone's been enjoying the summer weather lately and all I can think about is preparing for back to school. The pandemic definitely changed the usual buying trends of the seasons but this year the dreaded "It's the most wonderful time of the year" commercial has sparked a reminder that school is just around the corner and (spoiler alert), so is fall. Preparing to go to College or University is exciting, especially if you're living on your own.

What To Do with Dry Bud?

There’s nothing more disappointing than buying a new jar of cannabis, only to discover it’s dry AF. You'd think that buying something new from a store would mean it's fresh but Cannabis is a consumable product and it does go bad... eventually... kind of... well, it does lose its luster... but it depends on a variety of factors.

Canada Day

Canada Day is this week …and Big Larry is pretty excited. Canada Day has always been the kickoff of summer for me. To be honest, I’m not really celebrating our nation’s birthday as much as I’m just celebrating the fact that summer is here!


I’m used to people asking me about cannabis but over the last few weeks, I keep hearing about Kratom. I’ve heard of Kratom before, it’s not like I’m just hearing it for the first time; I’ve just been hearing it a lot more lately and still don’t know exactly what it is …and have had zero desire to know.

Until now. Lately I’ve been a little curious to know what it is …just a little.

Hip-Hop Influence

For a lot of people, hip hop and cannabis go hand in hand. Many of us, including Big Larry, were influenced into the culture by rappers such as Snoop Dogg, Cypress Hill, Dre. Dre and Ice Cube. I idolized these guys so of course hearing them reference cannabis in their songs made me want to try it.

National Bubba Day

There’s not many days Big Larry has circled on the calendar. There’s maybe a few birthdays, usually Christmas, obviously April 20th, and of course, National Bubba Day; one of my favourite unofficial holidays!


This week is 4/20 …or as all the non-cannabis users know it, April 20. This is a day where cannabis users come together and unify under a cloud of smoke. It’s a term known around the world in all cannabis circles and some people even celebrate it daily, whenever the clock strike 4:20. But what are we celebrating?

Growing for Beginners

With outdoor growing season fast approaching, people are starting to ask me about seeds and how they can get their own garden started. I’m not a pro grower, nor am I going to pretend to be, but I do know the bare basics. 

Live Resin vs Distillate

With vape carts continuing to rise in popularity, a lot more people have started to ask me, what’s the difference between a distillate vape cartridge and a live resin vape cartridge? Is there a difference? …there certainly is!

Infused Beverages

Infused beverages have been at The Peace Pipe for a while now but until recently, I’ve been avoiding them like the plague. Big Larry’s tolerance is not little and with the drinks being capped at 10mg of THC per beverage, I never really saw a point in buying one. Yes, I could have just bought one to sip and enjoy but I assumed they wouldn’t taste that good and thought it would just be a waste of money …I was wrong. So, so, wrong.

Holiday Themed Products

We have now entered December, or as I like to call it, Limited Edition month! With Christmas right around the corner, a lot of companies use this time to release some limited-edition products to the masses. Most of the time they just re-release an old product, with a catchy new holiday name, but this year there’s actually some legit stuff hitting the shelves.

vape cart season

Summer is long behind us and the cold weather is starting to creep up fast, which means Big Larry won’t be going outside for his nightly post work sesh for much longer. I enjoy a good joint as much as the next person but I don’t enjoy it that much; I think I’d much rather be warm than high …but why not be both!

Eliminating Odors

With the colder weather arriving, I know a lot of you are bringing your sesh inside these days …and there’s nothing wrong with that. Chances are you may become immune to the smell though, which is never good when people come over.


When I first heard the word dab, it made me think of the dabbing craze the cool kids went through a few years back, where they would swing their one arm up over their face and lean into it; it took me a minute to associate that word with anything else. Now, when I hear dabbing, I immediately think of torches and cannabis...

Glass Cleaner

Have you ever been sitting around the house, maybe watching tv or reading a book, when you get a whiff of something unpleasant? It’s so bad and unfamiliar that you actually get up from your seat and start sniffing around like a hound dog, walking around to every corner, trying to sniff out where that terrible smell is coming.


It’s no surprise that I’ve been around a lot of cannabis in my day; from the worst looking buds to award winning colas, I’ve pretty much seen it all. I’ve even watched friends grow weed from a packaged seed, purchased at the Peace Pipe, into tasty buds that I’ve smoked and enjoyed. Sounds like I’ve seen everything there is to see though, right? …well, not quite. 

Salted Caramel Pretzel Bites

Big Larry Labour Day is what they’re calling me now, after that final long weekend of the summer. What an awesome three days it was …feels like it was an entire week! With it being the last long weekend of the summer, and essentially the last party weekend for a lot of my friends (I gotta stop hanging out with teachers), I wanted to try something new and see where the buzz took me.

Magical Butter Machine

It’s September, so you know what that means! ...I don’t know, I’ve got nothing. I find September to be a weird month. It’s nice outside and I’m still in summer mode but everyone else seems to be getting ready for back to school. Whether they’re teachers, parents or students, everyone I know gets into this intense school mode when September starts, which always leaves me looking for stuff to do. 

Quebec Cannabis

Bonjour mes amis! I have just returned from La Belle Province and man do I have some wild stories to tell you …but not really. I did wander into an SDQC while I was there though. The SDQC is like the LCBO, except for cannabis. 

Vape Carts

Ever been at the gym or the grocery store – or anywhere in public like that – and smelled weed coming from the person next to you? Chances are they don’t even know that they are giving off that very strong Eau de Cannabis aroma. It happens to me all the time, where I smell weed on someone because they just burnt a joint in the car, or before leaving the house, and they are nose blind to how bad they actually reek (I know, some people just don’t care…

Sleeper Picks

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The Carmel Preroll

We’re almost at the halfway point of the summer which means I’ve tried almost half of the pre-rolls being sold at the Peace Pipe! I’m kidding; there’s over 150 different pre-roll options available in-store so I still have a way to go …but I’ll get there.

Cobourg's New Location

Cobourg, cannabis… They both start with the letter C so it’s only fitting that they be put together.

With locations already in Oshawa, Newmarket and Peterborough, The Peace Pipe in Cobourg opened its doors to the public in early July, making it the company’s fourth Ontario location.

Methods Of Smoking Concentrate

Try out something new and take your smoking game to the next level. Incorporating concentrates into your smoking routine not only increases the potency of your smoke, it offers a whole new smoking experience!

Cannabis Beverages

There’s lots of pre-rolls to to talk, and I’ll get to those another time, but today I want to talk about a product that is really starting to take off, especially now that the nice weather is here. It might even leap over pre-rolls soon as the top seller of the summer. That product is ice cold, cannabis infused, beverages

Basic Grow Tips & Our Seed Collection

Germinating your seeds is a necessary component to the growing process. Starting off by placing your seed in a cup of water for 24 hours will help moisten the shell on the seed so that a root can begin growing. 

Cannabis Infused Self Care

Being stuck in the middle of a Pandemic can be a whole lot of stress! What better way is there to relax than with a nice hot bath? Take it up a notch by adding in one of Eve & Co’s Dreamer, Lover or Boss Bath Bombs. Or, if bath salts sound more interesting, give 48 North’s Ylang Ylang Bath Salts a try. 

Valentines Gift Guide

A few creative ideas from us to you in hopes your Valentines Day will be one to remember! From Cannabis to Accessories we've got you covered with the all tips on how to make your favorite person smile all day. 

OGEN: Superior Craft Cannabis

We're excited to see OGEN cannabis items in our dispensaries! A company dedicated to providing the highest quality flower, their items are at the top of our recommendations list. A few things really set their company apart from other cannabis growers.

Staff Picks #2

This high-class sativa is packed with flavor notes ofclementine and sweet fruit punch. If you’re looking for a strain to sit backand enjoy with friends, this is one that’s sure to please. 

Gift Guide 2021

Not all cookies are strictly sweet, you know. Some of them have a hint of spice — and there’s nothing wrong with that. Slowride Bakery’s Spicy Ginger Cookie takes classic gingerbread, warming spices and adds something extra: cannabis. 

Staff Picks

Orangeade is a hybrid cross of Purple Punch and Tangie Kush. The citrusy aroma is reminiscent of orange pop and creamsicles. Indoor grown in Alberta, Tenzo is a committed to cultivating small batch craft cannabis.

Pax Era Pods

Check out the hype at our Oshawa or Peterborough stores around the new Pax Era pods! Upgrade your concentrate game with this new and improved battery for smoking your favorite distillate. Convenience, potency, and maximized vapor production are only a few added benefits.